What was life like before we worked together?
Not very fun and super lonely. I resented the fact that my husband was always gone and blamed him for so much. ~Janet, California
I started working with Melissa because I had come to a point in my life where I felt I needed a bit more direction on where I was at and where I wanted to go. ~Anonymous
Before my sessions with Melissa, I seemed always rushed, scattered and spent little time planning and preparing nutritious and enjoyable meals. ~Colleen, Washington
Completely overwhelming! ~Kathleen, Pennsylvania
As a teacher, I’ve had such a hard time not feeling stressed out during the school year. Now that I’ve gotten older my body has gotten louder at telling me I need to relax. Fatigue, achy muscles, brain fog and unhappy. ~Danielle, Ohio
I always felt so stiff and could not sleep well at night. ~Robyn, North Carolina
Bad food choices, not enough exercise and way too stressed out for no good reason. ~Amber, Idaho
Were you hesitant about investing in this kind of support?
YES! I was definitely hesitant to invest in myself. Not just financially but I was really most hesitant to focus on areas that are difficult to be honest about. ~ Anonymous
I guess I hesitated a bit but then I realized that I don’t often (ever?!?!) spend money on my own health (mental or physical) so I chose to try it and I am SO GLAD I did! Loved it! ~ Colleen, Washington
Hesitant, YES! In my mind, money was always stopping me from doing what I knew I really needed to do. I went to her because she was a cheaper option than doing the tests and paying to see the doctors I really needed to see. Melissa was so honest with me from the beginning. When we did our initial free session together and reviewed my health history, she told me up front that my existing health conditions were outside of the scope of her practice. She required me to find a Doctor qualified to address my complex situation and then use her as support. I am SO glad I did! I needed someone to tell me that. I eventually found the right doctor, started seeing him, and then emailed her. I trusted her. Working together while seeing my doctor is the best thing I could have ever done for myself. ~Kathleen, Pennsylvania
I was very hesitant! It took me a long time to commit. She made it easy but I was not ready initially. I am busy and I was not sure it would be worth my time to talk about this stuff. I’m so glad I finally did it. I had no idea I could possibly get as much as I did out of our sessions together! ~Danielle, Ohio
How are things different since working together?
My husband works hard long hours (70+hours) and he travels. I am happier and way more playful now even though his work has not changed. I feel a deeper connection with him and know that the work I’ve done to make him feel more safe to share is a big reason for the change. It hasn’t been easy and nothing is perfect but that’s ok because it’s SO much better than before! Thank you Melissa for helping me do this. ~Janet, California
Melissa helped bring to light the benefits of paying more attention to many areas of my life. Giving credit to myself on areas that I’ve been working hard at, giving myself a break on areas where I’ve struggled and to not be so hard on myself.
I’m more aware of the way I think about myself in certain situations.
More patience, more supportive, more present, more fun. ~Anonymous
I’ve come to recognize certain behaviors that cause me to act in certain ways, which then trigger negative outcomes. But I’ve also learned I have good coping mechanisms in other areas. ~Anonymous
Since working with Melissa, I am more mindful of my choices and I am learning to optimize meal planning skills and trying fun new recipes. It’s helped me think outside the box!
I think the best outcome of our work together was having someone really listen to me with undivided attention. Melissa is a very good listener and is a great problem solver giving viable solutions that are not too difficult but improve quality of life. I love Melissa’s creative, easy recipes, and the mindfulness awareness, and reminder to take time to relax….. ~Colleen, Washington
No more obsessing about food and thinking that’s the only way to “fix me”. I found a doctor that was able to uncover and treat some underlying conditions that needed more than just food and mismanaged prescription medications. No more feeling sorry for myself and downplaying my problems. I got the help I needed and I’m glad she was a part of my team. ~Kathleen, Pennsylvania
Melissa reminded me to take time for me. I rearranged some things and added some daily rituals that help make me feel better every day. Her ideas and way of listening helped me actually do it and made it feel less overwhelming.
Not just do I know I’m stronger than I think, I believe that I am. ~Lisa, New York
A TON of things feel different since my sessions with Melissa! I feel more committed to my health and wellness and am way more kind to myself. I feel more stable because I can better balance my mental health with the ebb and flow of stress in life. ~Danielle, Ohio
I move my body more, explore more recipes, and love more! ~Robyn, North Carolina
I have made some dynamic changes over the last year in how I live life and how I nourish my body. ~Amber, Idaho